Cosmogony Today

Livingston concludes this brief study of cosmogony with a question about the status of cosmogony today. This section makes three main points:

1. Even those theories that appear most scientific often resort to mythic language as an explanation. Livingston cites the work of Freud as one such example.

2. Much of modern science suggests an anthropic principle. This principle basically states that the odds against the universe and life emerging through random events are so great, that there must be some sort of intelligent design or purpose behind its creation. Note that most scientists who adopt this principle do not suggest that it proves the existence of god; the anthropic principle points to more of an intelligent design of the universe.

3. So-called Creation Science cannot be viewed as a true science since, by its own admission, it precludes any conclusion other than its interpretation of a Biblical creation account.

Regardless of what your own conclusions are about these observations, the basic conclusion is that humanity needs foundational stories when it comes to questions of purpose, order, and meaning. These are simply questions that science can raise, but cannot answer. As one scientist put it, the further science progresses, the closer it comes to standing on the mountaintop where the theologian has stood for centuries.