Chapter Seven Review

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Number 1. Literally, "to dwell within."

Correct Answer: immanent

Number 2. Literally, "above or apart from."

Correct Answer: transcendent

Number 3. the recognition and worship of more than one god or goddess

Correct Answer: polytheism

Number 4. polytheism characterized by a hierarchy in which one god rules over all other gods and goddesses

Correct Answer: monarchical polytheism

Number 5. deity typically found in polytheism who is the creator God, but has withdrawn from involvement in day to day affairs of the world

Correct Answer: sky god

Number 6. goddess who is typically associated with fertility and the change of seasons

Correct Answer: mother goddess

Number 7. In Hinduism, the feminine divine power

Correct Answer: sakti

Number 8. belief that all existing things the divine or God is in present everything

Correct Answer: pantheism

Number 9. belief that the only thing that exists is God

Correct Answer: monism

Number 10. Conceptualization of sacred power as two distinct forces that are either in conflict with one another or that work together to bring balance to the cosmos

Correct Answer: dualism

Number 11. The soul of each individual

Correct Answer: Atman

Number 12. The universal soul

Correct Answer: Brahman

Number 13. Hindu philosopher who advanced the principle of radical non-dualism

Correct Answer: Sankara

Number 14. Hindu school of philosophy that argues for non-duality

Correct Answer: Advaita Vedanta

Number 15. In Chinese religion, the "way" or force that creates and guides all things

Correct Answer: Dao

Number 16. the negative, dark energy of the Dao that is usually associated with the feminine

Correct Answer: Yin

Number 17. the positive, bright energy of the Dao that is associated with the masculine

Correct Answer: yang

Number 18. Religion that arose in ancient Persia

Correct Answer: Zoroastrianism

Number 19. The one, supreme God of Zoroastrianism

Correct Answer: Ahura Mazda

Number 20. The good spirit in Zoroastrianism

Correct Answer: Spenta Mainyu

Number 21. The evil spirit in Zoroastrianism

Correct Answer: Spenta Angra

Number 22. Form of early Christianity that generally held that the material world was created by an inferior God and that salvation came through secret knowledge imparted by Jesus

Correct Answer: Gnosticism

Number 23. Combination of Christianity, Gnosticism, and Zoroastrianism that believed that matter (evil) had corrupted the pure spirit of the soul

Correct Answer: Manicheanism

Number 24. Teacher who founded Manicheanism

Correct Answer: Mani

Number 25. Persian ruler who allowed the exiles to return to Jerusalem

Correct Answer: Cyrus

Number 26. the belief that every object (including rocks, trees, and people) possess as spirit or a soul

Correct Answer: animism

Number 27. Period of time in the 6th Century BC when the leading citizens and rulers of Judah were forcibly relocated to Babylone

Correct Answer: the Exile

Number 28. the recognition of many different gods, but the worship of only one God.

Correct Answer: henotheism

Number 29. Hebrew term for the name of God

Correct Answer: YHWH

Number 30. The one to whom God revealed the law as well as His name

Correct Answer: Moses

Number 31. Considered by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to be the founder of a monotheistic faith.

Correct Answer: Abraham

Number 32. Israelite prophet of the 7th Century BC

Correct Answer: Micah

Number 33. A description of God in human terms

Correct Answer: Anthropomorphism

Number 34. Having all power

Correct Answer: Omnipotence

Number 35. The Book of Changes that explains how to discern the movement of the Dao

Correct Answer: I Ching

Number 36. Christian doctrine of God formulated in the 4th Century

Correct Answer: Trinity

Number 37. Knowing all things

Correct Answer: Omniscient