divides into two main branches: Theravada and Mahayana. It is possible to understand Pure Land, Zen, Vajrayan and
Nichiren as sub-groups of Mahayana since they all developed from Mahayana
A. Theravada (“way of
the elders”) also
referred to as hinayana (lesser vehicle)
1. Scriptures:
Pali Canon – also known as the Tipitaka – three baskets
In the Pali dialect
Written down in first century BCE
547 folk tales
2. The Triple Gem
I take refuge in the Buddha – honors rather than worships
I take refuge in the dharma – the teachings of the Buddha
I take refuge in the sangha – monastic community of
Vipassana Meditation
Mindfulness/insight meditation
Purpose is to perceive the truths of existence – i.e. dukkha,
anicca and anatta
4. The Laity
Theravada Buddhism is generally a
path for monks and nuns rather than the laity.
Nevertheless, lay
people participate in Theravada Buddhism through:
Veneration of relics thought to be from the Buddha and
housed in stupas
Learning from monks and nuns
Giving alms to support the sangha.
B. Mahayana (the “greater
More extensive sacred writings than Theravada
Encompasses monks and laity
Many subdivisions/schools within Mahayana
Common Characteristics of Mahayana include:
1. Bodhisattvas
Seek enlightenment for the sake of others.
Both laity and monastics take vow to become bodhisattvas:
Beings are infinite in number, I vow to save them all;
The obstructive passions are endless in number; I vow
to end them all;
The teachings for saving others are countless, I vow
to learn them all:
Buddhahood is the supreme achievement: I vow to
attain it.
Heavenly bodhisattvas hear pleas of the suffering
of the most important is Kuan-yin (Kannon)
2. The Three Bodies of
the Buddha
Buddha is an eternal presence with three aspects or bodies
Pure universal consciousness
Body of bliss “radiant celestial aspect of Buddhahood that
communicated the dharma to Bodhisattvas
Body of transformation –Siddhartha Gautama
3. Emptiness (Sunyata)
earthly things have no eternal reality/independent origin
world of samsara is empty of inherent existence
aggregates of a person are empty of absolute self-nature; exist only
in relation to other.